Trial: Normal Sunspire
On Saturday, 06/06/2020, I led an Elphish By Nature weekly trial in Elder Scrolls Online (Xbox EU.) Here are some basic tips and tricks for trials and how it went teaching them in this run.
Sunspire is the trial from the Elyswer chapter. It has 3 bosses in total. When you first enter you'll be faced with a group of enemies in the first room. Once these enemies are clear you can chose to go left or right, the path is a circuit so you can go either way round. Starting with the left hand side, Lokkestiiz is the ice dragon boss and is normally completed first by most groups because there is an awkward add pull by a door if you go counter clock-wise. The right hand path has Yolnakhriin the fire dragon and he is typically the second boss that you will fight. Along the way you will have to fight overpowered cats and dragon priests between all the bosses. The main boss is Nahviintaas. You have to travel back round the circuit to the beginning to be able to access his room, which is unlocked by killing the other two. The final boss will speak to you before flying off to leave you to fight the adds that are with him.
How it went
This week we had a double run of Sunspire planned as gear farming runs. False Gods is a good sustain set for mag dds, “Loki” is great at the moment for stam dds with lots of synergies in the group and ”Yolo” is currently a great tank set (remember - all this can, and likely will, change with future game patches). The first run was with full mechs taught before each boss, tips on how to hold adds to the learning tanks, who did really well by seeing as it was a first trial run for one of them. The second run we had to PUG (pick up group) a few random players. For the most part the random players joined us on mic and were a lovely bunch who listened to instructions and joined in conversation. I will be trying to get people to keep comms more clear next week during the fight, as this second run was a bit messier.
Tips and tricks for trials
Tip 2 - Easy steps for setting up a gear farming run (which may include randoms)
When calling out in game chat make sure you put which roles you need and how many, which trial you're doing and if it will be a normal or a vet. In addition I would add that a mic preferred also, otherwise you will have people unable to hear the rest of you and possibly reply to you if needed. [Editor tip: while running around zones trying to complete your PUG take a second and post an LFG entry on!]
Ask if everyone has run it before and if they need mechs called out. It's still a good idea for the team leader to give the basics anyway.
Ask who is looking for what gear before starting.
Make sure to have comms as clear as possible when fighting.
Have a list of % of health mech procs/various trial mechs/pull and kill order notes in front of you as it will make it easier to call mechs quickly and clearly.
Pre-trial checklist of basics that can easily be forgotten by even the experienced players. The trial leader should be asking the team to check all of them before starting.
Have everyone stack on the door to show that they are ready to move forward.
Pre-trial checklist for all roles
Weapons need to be charged!
Armour fixed (there is a merchant in the 1st room of every trial)
Food active! (provisioning station there in 1st room)
Pots made (there is an alchemy bench in 1st room)
Non-combat Pets - away
Assistants - away