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Efficient Levelling

Writer's picture: DolmereDolmere

Post authored by: Symsyma

Efficient Levelling

Efficient levelling is about levelling up all the skills you may need on your character with the minimum of overall effort.

If you are only interested in levelling to 50 as fast as possible this guide is not for you. For power levelling you can head to Alik'r Desert and power through the Dolmen run, head to Craglorn and get someone to drag you through 2-man Skyreach catacombs, or do the rounds on zombies or feral bosmer in Coldharbour and Greenshade respectively.


  • Class Skills

  • Weapon Skills

  • Armour Skills

  • Guild Skills: Mage/Fighter/Undaunted/Thief/Dark Brother Hoods

  • Legerdemain

  • Crafting Skills: Provisioning/Alchemy are minimum, but recommend levelling all others by deconstructing.

  • Cyrodiil initial

Not included

  • Speed levelling

  • Specific Tank/Healer/PVP set ups - you can still use the same levelling principles as laid-out but start as a PVE DD, and convert to tank/healer/PVP later.

  • Werewolf/Vampire could be done at the same time, but I'm not going into this in this guide.

  • Role play set ups - e.g. Wood Elf magicka sorcerer, Breton stamina nightblade.

  • Balanced magicka/stamina setups.

  • New player guide, you should have at least one other champion point character. (Ideally 400+)

Step One: Character creation

This stage is up to you must decide some basic things:

1. What is your fight style, whether you will use Magicka abilities and staves or Stamina abilities and physical weapons, this choice in the race you will choose.

2. What race best fits the play style. If you have the All-Factions add-on you can pick a race from any alliance.

Races best suited for Magicka are:

  • High Elf (AD)

  • Khajiit (AD) as of Wrathstone

  • Dark Elf (EP)

  • Breton (DC)

  • Argonian (EP)

Whereas races best suited for Stamina are:

  • Khajiit (AD)

  • Wood Elf (AD)

  • Redguard (DC)

  • Orc (DC)

  • Nord (EP)

  • Imperial (All Factions add-on)

3. Looks & Name - totally up to you.

4. Tutorial - You can skip this if you wish you will still get your sky shard.

Step Two: Preperation

At this stage ​don't take your XP bonuses.

  • Set up your champion points! Yup you can do this on a new character if you have them on your account. Open the menu item and set up whatever points you have.

  • Pick your horse, costume, pets and other

  • Gather your XP Bonuses: ESO Plus, training gear, scrolls or potions, event XP, Ring of Mara XP-Bonus, 2-person group XP-Bonus (Enlightenment is only available after level 50)

  • Spend up to 180k gold to purchase as many bag upgrades as you can afford (optional)

  • Acquire training gear: 3x heavy (head/chest/legs), 2x medium (shoulder, feet), 2x light (gloves, waist) in order to level all three armour weight skill lines.

    • For Stamina builds:

      • 5x shacklebreaker + 5x Hundings.

      • 7x maximum stamina glyphs.

      • 1x poison weapon-glyph.

      • 3x weapon damage jewellery-glyphs

  • For Magicka builds:

    • 5x shacklebreaker + 5x Julianos.

    • 7x maximum magicka armour-glyphs.

    • 1x fire weapon-glyph.

    • 3x spell damage jewellery-glyphs.

  • Don't bother colouring the jewellery.

  • It's optional whether you improve armour - maybe improve it up to blue if you have the time and resources.

  • Improve your weapons to blue or purple.

  • Upgrade your weapons and jewellery every 10 levels - this helps the speed of your XP gains.

  • Only upgrade your armour if you can't handle the heat (this is mostly dependent on your max CP level).

  • Wear 3,2,2 armour until you reach CP, remember there is little point in 5,1,1 set up until you have levelled your Undaunted to at least level 7 (which is the 1st Undaunted Mettle passive unlock).

  • Acquire 2 items to unlock armour lines: 1x medium legs, 1x light legs (you can discard these after unlocking all the armour skill lines).

  • Gather Cheap/free motifs. You get XP for each one read. Skinchanger / Hollowjack / Dremora motifs are excellent for this.

  • Read as many free food recipes from guilds as you can (you don't get XP for this.) Elphish typically has loads of free green recipes on offer which are exactly for this need. Just toss 50-100 gold per recipe back into the guild bank, when you can, to cover taking them.

Step Three: To level 10

At this stage ​you should start taking your XP bonuses.

  • Travel to your character's initial town based upon your alliance.

  • Unlock initial quests for Undaunted / Mages Guild / Fighters Guild.

  • Read all gathered motifs

  • Use navigators to unlock a wayshrine in each alliance zone.

  • Travel between all the dolmens in your alliance taking them out, unlocking wayshrines along the way.

Step Four: From level 10 to 30

  • Enter Cyrodiil, unlock your Assault/Support skill line so you can get acquire Rapid Manoeuvres.

  • Go to Summerset and complete "The Queen's Decree" quest, picked up near Shimmerene wayshrine

  • In Artaeum talk to Loremaster Celarus in Ceporah Tower, and complete "The Psijics' Calling" quest.

  • Head to any thieves refuge

    • Pick up the Thieves Guild quest "Partners in Crime" from Quen.

    • Pick up the Dark Brotherhood Guild quest "Voices in the Dark" from Amelie Crowe and complete this quest.

Post authored by: Symsyma


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